Here’s why: If you’re a Hanson fan, then you already know how hard it is to get good seats/spots at their shows. And to be honest nothing blows more than going to a Hanson concert and being stuck in the nosebleed section, holding a pair of binoculars, the whole show. So if you’re not on it like ducks on a june bug, you get screwed royally. Why do we succumb ourselves to the presale? Because you’d have to have no soul or live overseas to miss a Hanson tour!
So here are my 5 tips for surviving what I have now dubbed
Per-salemageddon and how to make the whole process less painful:
Plugs, Plugs and More Plugs-
With only a certain amount of tickets in certain sections (and sometimes it's never the best seats if it’s a seated show) being released and because I have experienced this more than once over the years, get every device with internet access you own fully charged waiting on stand-by incase your Wifi is slow from everyone and their cat’s spirit guide trying to buy tickets online, at the same time.
What also helps is plugging your laptop (if that’s what you’re using) directly into the router, it adds speed to the internet connection which is really nice to have while trying to refresh a page a 1000 other people are trying to refresh at the same time. In addition, this also acts as a safety net from stopping yourself from throwing the computer against a wall when you see half the tickets are already gone by the time you’ve figured out how to navigating around the venue sites.
The Wardrobe-
Things get crazy during a Hanson pre sale; if you’re stuck at work think dressy leggings with flats hair in a neat ponytail. Those of us who are going to be home that morning select the large cup on your Keurig (If you’re a coffee drinker) but go for the spill proof tumbler, trust me on this one.
Ladies not the time to wear stilettos, this is not the time to be sexy. Socks, slippers, bare feet, PJ’s, yoga pants, shorts etc. Is the attire most of us at home will be rocking during the Hanson ticket pre sale . And don’t forget pillows and or a comfy chair, your lower back will thank you for the extra support while you’re bent over your keyboards buying tickets.
Pain relievers-
You think I’m kidding, staring at your computer screen then texting your friends, pacing, rinse and repeat can give you a headache / arms cramps and hand cramps. Better to have them near than lying in a dark room with an ice pack over your eyes later.
You’re Gonna Need To Eat-
If you do not/barely eat, you will start to feel dizzy about halfway through the presale and could pass out. Passing out in the middle of Hanson presale is such a shitty way to go down!!! Go for foods that will boost your mental state and metabolism that morning. Stay hydrated, stay caffeinated, stay focused!!
A Smile -
The entire process messes with everyone sanity, still Hanson is hitting the road and that’s something to smile about.
Dear Hanson,
Sometimes you make us mad, but you occasionally redeem yourselves with goodness. Now go practice one of my fall tour cover requests “Living on a Prayer”
Thanks Love,